A Form Letter of Appeal in Support of Let Babies Eat

SISTERS QUORUM: The writers at Sisters Quorum stand in support of the Let Babies Eat initiative and its letter writing campaign, which encourages The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to establish a policy that supports breastfeeding families, particularly mothers who openly breastfeed on church property. The initiative’s complete list of goals and suggested actions can be found on the Let Babies Eat website, including general advice about how to write a letter of appeal.

Because SQ understands that some supporters of Let Babies Eat are uncomfortable writers—and because we believe that the volume of letters will speak as loudly as the content—we offer our readers a form letter that can be easily copied, adapted, and sent to the female general auxiliary leaders or other general authorities of the Church. The form letter will fit nicely on a single, standard piece of paper with either Times New Roman or Calibri 11 pt font.

lbe-logo_1If you decide to adapt this letter, or to write one entirely of your own creation, keep in mind that a letter of appeal is more likely to be read if it is:

  • brief and to the point (including any supporting personal experience or anecdotal evidence).
  • written with a controlled, respectful tone, even if the topic is emotionally charged.
  • demonstrative of shared interest.

Please address your letters to:

Relief Society General Presidency: President Jean Bingham, Sister Sharon Eubank (first counselor), Sister Reyna Aburto (second counselor)

Young Women General Presidency: President Bonnie Cordon, Sister Michelle Craig (first counselor), Sister Becky Craven (second counselor)

Primary General Presidency: President Joy Jones, Sister Lisa Harkness (first counselor), Sister Cristina Franco (second counselor)

Now for the letter:

[Your name]
[Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]


[Name of recipient]
[Title/Organization (EG President of the General Relief Society)]
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
76 North Main Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84150

Dear [Insert Title with Name]:

I am writing this letter to express my support for the goals of the Let Babies Eat initiative. I ask The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to establish a policy that improves a breastfeeding mother’s full inclusion in church services and delineates her right to nurse as she deems best in common areas of church property. Because you have demonstrated your desire to champion the best interests of LDS families, I ask you to do all your position affords to:

  • ensure the best nutritional needs of infants and children are supported, including during church services and activities.
  • allow all nursing mothers to remain with their families during church services and activities.
  • improve conditions in Mother’s Rooms and guarantee that nursing mothers who use a Mother’s Room will receive the sacrament.
  • advocate for church policy that is in harmony with local laws regarding public, open breastfeeding and which does not add prohibitions.
  • provide policy guidance that will enable local leaders to support families with nursing children.

I ask that the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints discourage instances when women are blamed for inappropriate male impulses. A clearly delineated policy that allows LDS women to openly breastfeed in common areas of church property, and in ways most comfortable for them and their children, will simultaneously facilitate the nurture of their children and reinforce the needful message that a woman’s breast has a holy, biological purpose and should not be reduced to a sexual object. These things, done together, will strengthen LDS families.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to the implementation of an appropriate policy.



[Your printed name]
[Your ward, if applicable]
[Your stake, if applicable]


Sisters Quorum exists to give voice to those who are not being heard and is seeking submissions. If you have a story to tell, SQ invites you to visit our submission page for guidelines.

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